We are settling back in at home in Iowa now and truly there is no place like home. Elizabeth and Andrew have enjoyed playing with Grandpa, Grandma, and Uncle Jared. Becca and I have been sick and now everyone else is getting sick. It is so nice to be at home when you are sick.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Uganda Update 9 (The Last Update)
The Flight (11/22/11)
Today was an incredibly long day. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 3:10am and we were to arrive in Chicago the same day at about 3:30pm. We fit about 22 hours of flying and airports into about 12. Our first flight was delayed by a couple of hours so we were in a rush when we arrived at Istanbul. When we got off the plane Elizabeth lost her lunch while we were waiting for the stroller. When we boarded the next flight she did it again before we left the terminal. Needless to say the flight from Istanbul to Chicago was riddled with Elizabeth losing her lunch all over the seat and me. I spent about three hours in the bathroom with her trying to help her feel better. Landing in Chicago was never so sweet.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. We look forward to catching up with everyone now that we are in America. Thursday, November 17, 2011
Uganda Update 8
On The Road Home (11/16/11)
Our morning was filled with last minute preparations for leaving and around noon we pulled out headed for Kampala. I know Kampala isn't home but it is the first stop on our way there. We are planning on spending a few days there to get an idea of prices and what is available. We watched the oil very carefully on the truck because we still have an oil leak. At one point we stopped for fuel and the truck didn't start right away. Our trip was slowed down a bit but we finally made it to Kampala. Sam said he counted 101 speed bumps between Aura and our hotel in Kampala.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Uganda Update 7
More To Do… Always More To Do (11/8/11)
For most of the morning it poured down rain. Becca and I laminated some flashcards for Jewel and started packing up some of the things we don't need any more. In the afternoon when the sun dried things up Sam put mortar over the electrical conduit we ran yesterday. It seemed like the day absolutely flew by and it won't be long until we will be flying home.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Pictures From Uganda
Tonight we are staying at a home that has high speed internet... WOW... We also have electricity and hot water! When we return home to the states I plan on reworking all of the posts I've sent so that they have pictures on our blog but for now I thought I could just post some pictures for all to enjoy.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Uganda Update 6
Time Will Tell… Time Will Tell (11/1/11)
Early this morning the truck showed up to pick up the students and their families. They packed everything imaginable onto the truck. There were two families who were not coming back but the way the other family's packed we're not sure if some of them are planning on returning or not. It was sad to see them go and if some don't come back it will be even more heart breaking. They all piled on their goods and then sat on top of everything and hung on. There were plastic jugs and bicycles hanging off of the back of the truck and it was really quite a sight.
Brother Wright called one of the students while they were traveling and found that they had some complications on the way. They had stopped for a break to have tea and one of the children threw a corn cob out of the truck. It happened to hit a man on a bicycle and he got very upset. As they tried to apologize and calm him down he beat up 1-3 of the students. Before long the police were involved and they demanded money from the students or they would not release the truck. From my understanding they paid the money and were able to go on their way. We trust they all made it safely.
The rest of the morning Becca and I spent preparing for our trip tomorrow and in the afternoon we took a walk through some of the property to get a better idea of what is around here. I guess we both had a little exploration we wanted to make sure we did before we left. Becca wasn't so keen on walking through the tall grass and I assume that is because the snakes like to hide in there. We went all over and didn't see anything dangerous. At least, we didn't see anything that we thought would be dangerous.
Here are some things you could pray about...
1. Safe travel tomorrow (That is not a given over here.)
2. Health (The Moss boys are sick and we don't want our kids to get sick just before we fly back)
3. Empowerment (I will be preaching tomorrow night)
Thanks so much for your prayers and support. It means so much to us that we have people praying for us. Today we received a nice card from the Kimballs as well as one from my parents. It was delightful to read the cards and they were very encouraging. If you are planning on communicating with us from now on you might want to do it by email. The mail takes about 4 – 6 weeks to get here and if you mail something now it just might not get here in time. Thank you to all who have sent cards and please continue by responding to the emails or visiting our blog (jasonandbeccamiller.blogspot.com) and posting a comment.
Thanks again!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Uganda Update 5
I Felt Great But The Natives Pulled Out Their Parkas (10/27/11)
This morning when I got up it was very cool. It was a rainy all morning and we had got a good amount of rain last night. I thought it felt very nice but for those who have never lived in a climate where it gets below freezing the students all had their heavy coats out. Yes, they have those over here as well as mittens, gloves, and scarfs.
It was the children's last day of school before Christmas break so Sam and I ran a game time for them. It was extremely fun watching the children run through the field and splashing water all over as they ran the various relay races we had for them. My wife took many pictures and videos of the event and the children had a great time.
I spent my morning mostly grading projects and papers. I had fallen behind and I wanted to get everything caught up before the test tomorrow. In class we reviewed for the test and I trust the students will do well tomorrow.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Uganda Update 4
Town, Trials, And The Tailor (10/17/11)
This morning Becca wanted to go to town again. We had a few things to get as well as we wanted to get Levi Moss something for his birthday today. We picked up the hat that the tailor had made for us and it was supposed to be for Becca but when she tried it on it was too small. He had not yet finished the second hat so we were told to come back in the afternoon. While we were in town we bought little mirrors for the ladies who work here. On Sunday Becca saw one or two of the ladies trying to see how they looked in the mirrors of the truck. The mirrors were very cheap in fact we paid less than a quarter a piece for them but they will be greatly appreciated Jewell said. We plan on giving them as Christmas presents just before we leave. The simple things that we take for granted can be a great blessing here. It sure teaches you to be thankful for the things God gives.
My students underwent a major trial today. It was the midterm. It took most of them a full hour to take it but after looking at some of them I think they did a pretty good job. Obviously, some did better than others but I have not yet graded the verses portion of the test.
After class Becca and I took the kids to go back to the tailor. The tailor is in Dubai which is the closest town to us. We walked for about 45 minutes to get to the tailor. He had finished the second hat and this hat fit Becca. Elizabeth had already latched on to the first hat as if it was hers so I guess she gets it. It is a little big for her but she should grow into it.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Uganda Update 3
Christmas Shopping, Court Case, and An Unwanted Critter (10/11/11)
This morning Becca and I went to town with Brother Wright. Becca wanted to do some Christmas shopping for family as well as get some things for our display table when we return. While we were in town Brother Wright was told by a police officer that he recognized that there was a court case for him today. This court case was different than the land dispute and Brother Wright had not even been told about it. About one year ago some of the clan from across the road came and attempted to stone Jewell and they took it to court back then. One person threw a rock but no damage was done. Apparently, today was the defense attorneys turn to defend his case. In the end it was only postponed again.
Tonight after supper the Wrights were getting ready for bed. Soon to their surprise they found a shrew in their bathroom. After a game of cat and mouse or should I say man and shrew we managed to hit the thing enough with the bristles of the broom to disorientate him. We then swept him into a bucket and found one of the kittens to take care of the rest. Before you knew it there were two kittens and a shrew in a bucket. Those kittens sure know what to do J.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Uganda Update 2
Back To School (10/3/11)
School started to day and the students were very excited about the new classes. They had a lot of good questions about the class and their projects and I look forward to working with them.
An Ironic Invitation (10/2/11)
Today went very smoothly. The church services went well and there were several visitors who were here for the revival meetings. After the morning service we had lunch and then went to visit the neighbors across the street. Yes, those are the neighbors who are involved in the court case over the land. They wanted to see the Wright’s visitors and so we all went over and Brother Wright preached to them. He explained that the man who invited us over had not been hostile like his brothers have been. Who knows what our little ministry over there will do in their hearts.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Update From Uganda
Catching up (9/24/11)
This morning started before the sun rose with Elizabeth waking up and having a hard time going back to sleep. She was hungry, thirsty, and needed to go to the bathroom and had a very hard time calming down. We gathered together at church at 8am and 5:30pm to pray for the ministries of the church. After the prayer meeting we had breakfast and then we were preparing to go invite people to the Revival Meetings coming up next week. About that time some of the tribe that has been causing trouble came onto the land and Brother Wright needed to go get the police. Unfortunately, I don't think they even came. Becca and the children went to cluckinghen palace to see the chickens while I finished up some of the final preparation for my class. I think jet lag hit me hard today. Becca was up and around most of the day, but the kids and I were wiped out and slept for a good portion of the day. Please pray that the Lord would give us strength!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Great New Website Declaring the Gospel
www.salvationfocus.com is a new tool for declaring the Gospel.
Viewbook Presentation from RBennett on Vimeo.
Viewbook Presentation from RBennett on Vimeo.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Packing To Go... It's Getting Exciting
Thursday, September 8, 2011
We Bought Our Tickets To Uganda
This last weekend was very exciting for us. We were in a small church that gave us a very large offering and their offering made it possible for us to get our tickets this week. Several travel agents had told me that international flights don't drop in price, but the price dropped enough that we could afford the tickets. Praise the Lord for His provision.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Westward Ho!
This weekend we went out west to visit a church plant that will be needing a new pastor. The current pastor's last Sunday will be September 11. We were contacted about this opportunity and felt that we could not dismiss it without visiting the church and praying for them. Our trip to Uganda will go on as scheduled, but we are seriously concerning returning to work just like a missionary would in a small church out west. Please pray for the Lord's clear leadership in this matter. Above all we want His name to be exalted.
Here are some pictures from our little trip.
Here are some pictures from our little trip.
Elizabeth found the drivers seat. |
With her doll on the floor to work the gas and break and Elizabeth at the wheel I think we are ready to go. |
The rugged rocks that were climbed by those on the wagon train years ago were scaled by this brave young man in nothing but a stroller. |
Old fashion cell phone tower... I think. |
Elizabeth and Daddy by a dead tree. |
Beautiful country! |
Elizabeth exploring the church. |
![]() |
Mommy, Andrew, and Elizabeth settling into the motel. |
What a pleasant surprise to see the Fishers and their team! |
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Back To See Family Again
I was not scheduled for several days in a row so we decided to go visit the Clarks again. Of course we had a great time...
Boating on lake Pepin. |
Elizabeth in Goggles. |
Elizabeth with Aunt Sara |
Elizabeth and Hannah lounging on the tube |
Sara's new hair style |
Elizabeth's first driving lesson |
Family picnic |
Monday, August 22, 2011
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