✶ January 20, 1669, is the birthday of Susanna Wesley.
✶ On this date in 1828, early American evangelist David Marks preached all day and retired to bed exhausted. Just past midnight, he felt so ill he thought he was going to die. Marks grew joyous at the prospect of heaven. But suddenly, thinking of sinners bound for hell, he seemed to hear a whisper: “Will you still go and warn them?” Weeping, Marks replied, “Yes, Lord, I will go and warn them as long as it shall be Thy will.” His recovery began instantly, adding years to his evangelistic labors.
✶ On January 20, 1858, missionaries Hudson and Maria Taylor were married.
✶ During the Revival of 1905, a Day of Prayer was proclaimed in Denver, Colorado, on Friday, January 20. So many people flocked to churches and theaters for prayer that most of the city’s stores and schools closed. The impact of the revival was felt for months.
✶ Eliza Davis served many years as the first black woman from Texas to go to Africa as a missionary. At age 65 she was recalled by her denomination, the National Baptist Convention, for retirement. But two years later, Eliza raised her own support and returned to Africa to serve another 25 years. On January 20, 1979, she celebrated her 100th birthday.
✶ On this date in 1828, early American evangelist David Marks preached all day and retired to bed exhausted. Just past midnight, he felt so ill he thought he was going to die. Marks grew joyous at the prospect of heaven. But suddenly, thinking of sinners bound for hell, he seemed to hear a whisper: “Will you still go and warn them?” Weeping, Marks replied, “Yes, Lord, I will go and warn them as long as it shall be Thy will.” His recovery began instantly, adding years to his evangelistic labors.
✶ On January 20, 1858, missionaries Hudson and Maria Taylor were married.
✶ Eliza Davis served many years as the first black woman from Texas to go to Africa as a missionary. At age 65 she was recalled by her denomination, the National Baptist Convention, for retirement. But two years later, Eliza raised her own support and returned to Africa to serve another 25 years. On January 20, 1979, she celebrated her 100th birthday.
Robert J. Morgan, Nelson’s Annual Preacher’s Sourcebook, 2002 Edition (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001), 16.
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