Saturday, July 18, 2015

Into the Storm

Matthew 14:33

Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God.

Faith is developed through struggle

When you’re in a storm with the wind raging and the waves pounding, and you feel like you’re sinking, know this: The same Lord who stills the storm allows the storm. Why does God allow storms?ask jonah about them
Scripturally, storms appear for two reasons. First, there are storms of correction. Ask Jonah about them. If we’re out of the Lord’s will, He will use a storm to get us back to where we need to be. Storms of correction discipline us. Second, there are storms of perfection that develop us. In this passage, the disciples were obeying Jesus’ command to go to the other side. Thus, this was not a storm to correct them, but to perfect them. In this storm, Jesus was saying, “I want to test you now. I’ve been teaching you. I’ve been with you. And now I want you to exercise your faith to go through this storm.”

in this stormYou see, faith is developed through struggle. If you ask people what faith is, most will answer, “Faith is believing even though you don’t have evidence.” Not true. Faith is not “believing in spite of the evidence.” Faith is obeying in spite of the consequence. Faith says, “I will do what the Lord says, even though it means a storm is headed my way. Even though it means there will be difficulties, obstacles, and challenges, even though it may be brutal and difficult, even though I must struggle, I will obey.”
When Jesus came to His disciples, they thought He was a ghost. So, too, we can look around and say, “The Lord is nowhere.” Or we can slow down and say, “Wait a minute. Is the Lord speaking to me through my sister, through my mother, through that preacher, or through the radio?”
And suddenly, “The Lord is nowhere” becomes “The Lord is now here” by adding a little space.
I find if I slow down and give the Lord a little space, He appears through my brother who shares with me, through my wife who gives encouragement to me, or through my children who challenge me. He sent you into the storm, He’s praying for you through the storm, and He’ll come to you in the storm—perhaps when you least expect Him.

Jon Courson, Jon Courson’s Application Commentary (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2003), 115.

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