Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Two Reasons for Unbelief

I listened to this as I was cleaning the Post Office this morning and really was impacted by this quote.

In September, 1882, another donor describes himself as “simply astounded at the blessed results of prayer and faith,” and many others have found this brief narrative “the most wonderful and complete refutation of skepticism it had ever been their lot to meet with”—an array of facts constituting the most undeniable “evidences of Christianity.” There are abundant instances of the power exerted by Mr. Müller’s testimony, as when a woman who had been an infidel, writes him that he was “the first person by whose example she learned that there are some men who live by faith,” and that for this reason she had willed to him all that she possessed.

Another reader found these Reports “more faith-strengthening and soul-refreshing than many a sermon,” particularly so after just wading through the mire of a speech of a French infidel who boldly affirmed that of all of the millions of prayers uttered every day, not one is answered. We should like to have any candid skeptic confronted with Mr. Müller’s unvarnished story of a life of faith, and see how he would on any principle of ‘compound probability’ and ‘accidental coincidences,’ account for the tens of thousands of answers to believing prayer! The fact is that one half of the infidelity in the world is dishonest, and the other half is ignorant of the daily proofs that God is, and is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

From almost the first publication of his Narrative, Mr. Müller had felt a conviction that it wag thus to be greatly owned of God as a witness to His faithfulness; and, as early as 1842, it was laid on his heart to send a copy of his Annual Report gratuitously to every Christian minister of the land, which the Lord helped him to do, his aim being not to get money or even awaken interest in the work, but rather to stimulate faith and quicken prayer.*

Arthur T. Pierson, George Müller of Bristol (London: James Nisbet & Co., Limited, 1899), 357–358.

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