Monday, May 21, 2012

Back In The Saddle Again

First Sunday Back

Yesterday was my first Sunday back in Guernsey, WY in over a month. I really missed being there with our church family and their feelings were the same. We are all looking forward to Becca and the kids returning but until then I’ll be flying solo and because Becca has our camera I don’t think I’ll be posting any picture as usual. There seems to be a lot to catch up to do so please pray for strength and wisdom. There is so much to do but I want to make sure I follow the Lord’s specific leading as to what to do each day.

Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork

After spending about an hour opening mail I realized there were many little things that needed to be attended to. We are rejoicing that the money came in for our balloon payment on the building but the agreement that the seller had discussed is still a little up in the air. (background agreement) At this point all I have is a Email stating what he is willing to do and some legal documentation needs to be drawn up to make it official. Please pray for wisdom as we work through this process.

Earthly or Eternal

Yesterday I preached from Mark 8:34-37 where Christ said,

Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

During my preparation the Lord had clearly showed me that he wanted me to preach on this passage and emphasize values. It is so easy for us to place value on all sorts of things when what we should value is knowing God’s will and doing it. Here are two quotes that I found as I was preparing that were especially helpful to me personally.

(Warren W. Wiersbe) This once-for-all dedication is followed by a daily “dying to self” as we take up the cross and follow Him. From the human point of view, we are losing ourselves, but from the divine perspective, we are finding ourselves. When we live for Christ, we become more like Him… (Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary (Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1996), Mk 8:27.)

(Jim Elliot) “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.”

This Quote from Jim Elliot is one that I have heard many times before but God has drove it home in a fresh and new way. You may remember that He and his friends died trying to share the Gospel in Ecuador.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Jason Heads Back ☺ ☹

Today we packed the trailer and car so Jason could head back to Wyoming. It went a little slow, but we finally got it all done and ready for travel. The kids and I miss him, but it is good that he could go back and be at the church till we get there the first of June. He started out about 7:00 pm, so he will get there midday Wednesday after some long hours and naps along the way.

Love & Miss You, Daddy!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Elizabeth

It seems like it has been forever since Elizabeth turned 2 but because she was so sick we were not able to celebrate her Birthday. With her feeling much better we celebrated her birthday and she absolutely loved it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Little Fun In A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Grandma wanted to make sure that Elizabeth didn't get board while waiting at home for doctors visits so she wanted to take her grand kids to the zoo. That wasn't enough fun for one day according to Grandma either. When Grandpa came home after work we all grilled out and had a Easter egg hunt for the kids. Elizabeth did a good job finding eggs but Andrew was more concerned about playing on the slide and four wheeler.

I put this together for Mom on Mother's Day

Andrew's First Haircut

Last night Becca gave Andrew his first haircut. I guess this is one thing that he got to do before his sister. I don't think she has got her hair cut yet so Andrew beat her to that. He didn't put up to much of a fight but I don't think he enjoyed it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What's Next?

Now that we are home from the hospital with Elizabeth we have daily checkups with a nurse that comes to the house. We also have several doctors appointments scheduled for the next two weeks to keep track of her progress and ensure that she makes a full recovery. We are using this time to catch up on other things like dentist appointments and Andrew's yearly checkup. In the morning we will take Elizabeth back to the Hospital for some blood work and I will be at the dentist getting some fillings repaired.

Elizabeth is still taking blood pressure medicine and we are tracking her carbohydrate intake and blood sugar. She is very active but at the same time very weak. She now struggles to do things that before she did with ease like climbing steps and bending over to pick something up. With each day that passes and each activity she does she gets a little stronger. Her appetite is still very anemic but since we have come home she has begun to eat much more than she did in the hospital.

Depending on how things go I may be heading back to Wyoming at the beginning of next week and Becca and the kids will come out with her parents when they come out west for their vacation around Memorial Day but this is all up in the air at this point.

Friday, May 4, 2012

We Are Home!!!

This is Becca posting, Jason may decide to add more later. Just wanted to let you know how things were going. This morning surgeons took out the dialysis port, then she came back to her room to recover for a while. Doctors and nurses did their last checks and explanations, while others did paper work. Then nurses took out the last iv, we said our last goodbyes to PICU doctors and nurses, signed papers and then we made our grand exit!!! We arrived to Dad and Mom Miller's about three this afternoon! The Lord is so good. What a great God we serve! How sweet to know that He has given us a plan path and He is in control of every detail along the way!

We were able to make many friends while in the hospital and we will miss them, but it is good to be home as well.

Elizabeth is doing well! She still has to take blood pressure medicine and insulin, but Lord willing that will only be temporary. Thanks for praying!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Normal Day In The Hospital Today

Today was a normal day here in the hospital. Elizabeth is feeling much better but still not eating a lot. They plan on taking the port for they dialysis and IV's out in the morning. The Doctors now think that she may be able to go home by tomorrow afternoon. We shall see if this happens or not.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Moving Day

Today we moved from the ICU to a regular pediatric room. The new room is much more colorful and has much larger windows for her to see outside. She has defiantly already enjoyed the perks of her new room.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

No More Lines To Hold Her Back

Today the last of her tubes were disconnected. Depending on how much she eats and drinks during the day the doctors will give her what she needs at nights through the IVs. We monitor what she eats very closely because we are giving her insulin at this point. We hope that this is a temporary thing but we may need to continue giving her insulin at home for a while. She ate and drank quite well for her first day free of the lines. Please pray that she continues to make progress.